Polytrichum juniperinum // Juniper Haircap // Matheson

Metchosin BioBlitz: Links

Local Organizations with special interest in the identification of Metchosin species

Web sites with a general focus on BC species, BC biodiversity, and BC Ecosystems

  • The Species at Risk website generates a list of at-risk species in the CRD region.
  • The British Columbia's Coast Region Species and Ecosystems of Conservation Concern site offers access to many of the factsheets on species and plant communities that have been published by the BC Ministry of the Environment.
  • The BC Ministry of the Environment also provides a Species and Ecosystem Explorer that lets web users see what is in the Ministry database on most BC species and ecosystems.
  • Many of the Canadian provinces maintain Conservation Data Centres that serve as clearinghouses for a broad range of scientific data on species and ecosystems. The BC Conservation Data Centre website is a portal to several of the databases.
  • The Biodiversity of BC web site provides an overview of BC biodiversity with background papers and links to worldwide species databases. It is a gateway into the next two sites in this list, E-flora and E-fauna.
  • E-Flora BC is a volunteer-driven, biogeographic atlas of the vascular plants, fungi, algae, bryophytes, and lichens found in British Columbia. It now includes more than 8,000 individual atlas pages along with many thousands of user-submitted photographs.
  • E-Fauna BC is a collaborative biogeographic atlas of the wildlife of British Columbia, including mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and other marine creatures, insects and arachnids. Over 40 specialists and 250 photographers document more than 1600 species.
  • The Biogeoclimactic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) of the BC Ministry of Forests and Range is the most detailed breakdown of BC ecosystems and their boundaries.
  • The BC Ministry of Environment maintains a complementary classification system for BC ecosystems, listing them as ecodomains, ecodivisions, ecoprovinces, ecoregions, and ecosections.
  • Dave Ingram's Island Nature blog has a wealth of information on many BC species.

Web sites with a focus on specific groups of BC flora and fauna

Other annual British Columbia bioblitzes