A stalwart band, led by biologist Hans Roemer, heads to Metchosin's Sugarloaf Mountain. Standing, l. to r., are Judith Holm, Kent Anders, Rich Mably, Blake Hodgins, Kristin Harrison, James Miskelly, and Hans Roemer. Seated, l. to r., are Morgan Davies, Ron Samborski, Sylvia Samborski, Gwen Walter, Ken Wong. Photo by Ken Wong.
Joel Ussery makes a discovery at Devonian Park on the afternoon of the BioBlitz. Photo by Bev Hall.
An interesting lichen-encrusted tree just outside of the Metchosin Community House draws the attention of (l. to r.) Rosemary Jorna, Daryl Thompson, and Kent Brothers. Photo by Kem Luther.
The CRD, one of the sponsors of the Metchosin BioBlitz, set up a display tent outside of Metchosin Community House. Reed Osler, CRD staff person, is at the left. To her left are Oluna Ceska and Kevin Trim. Photo by Kem Luther.
Todd Carnahan of Habitat Acquisition Trust unrolls one of his custom maps to show partipants where the organization is active in Metchosin. Photo by Kem Luther
A mycology team surveys the south side of Matheson Lake for interesting fungi. Adolf Ceska examines a specimen in his hand. Oluna records it. Sinclair Philip stoops to find another. Photo by Kem Luther.
Andy MacKinnon, organizer extraordinaire, stands outside of Metchosin Community House and tries to get the survey teams headed to the right Metchosin places. Photo by Kem Luther.
One of the Metchosin BioBlitz 2011 survey teams makes their way to the beach below Devonian Park. Photo by Richard Winder.
Taxonomic experts come in all shapes and sizes and ages. Photo by Thor Henrich.
Moralea brought along some mosses from her house to show the teams what to look for. Photo by Thor Henrich.
Reed Osler of the CRD models one of her custom hats for the crowd at the Metchosin BioBlitz. Photo by Thor Henrich.
Christene Rafuse looks over a field of Camas during the Devonian Park foray. Photo by Richard Winder.
The view from Sugarloaf Mountain on the day of the 2011 BioBlitz. Looking toward the strait. Everything beteen this hill and the strait is Metchosin. Photo by Rich Mably.
Kem finds the biggest Morel of the day on the Pearson College property.
A feast for the BioBlitzers at noon, thanks to Mairi MacKinnon and her team. Photo by Thor Henrich.
Joel Ussery, Mary Robichaud and Gerry Allen (l. to r.) soak up some rays while enjoying the lunch for BioBlitzers. Photo by Kem Luther.
Peter McAuliffe (r.) and Joel Ussery consult a renowned plant authority to settle an identification question at Devonian Park. Photo by Bev Hall.
Christian Englestoft turns over a Matheson Park log looking for the elusive newts and salamanders. Photo by Brian Domney.